
This page explains how you can reproduce all the experiments from the paper

  title={AMF: Aggregated Mondrian Forests for Online Learning},
  author={Mourtada, Jaouad and Ga{\"\i}ffas, St{\'e}phane and Scornet, Erwan},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.10529},

Running the experiments requires the installation of scikit-garden, for a comparison with the Mondrian forests algorithm. This can be done as follows:

git clone https://github.com/scikit-garden/scikit-garden.git && \
    cd scikit-garden && \
    python setup.py build install

in order to get the last version. All the scripts used to produce the figures from the paper are available in the examples folder of the onelearn repository. Clone the repository using

git clone https://github.com/onelearn/onelearn.git

and go to the onelearn folder. Now, running the following scripts allows to reproduce all the figures from the paper :

  • python examples/plot_iterations.py
  • python examples/plot_decisions.py
  • python examples/plot_forest_effect.py
  • python examples/run_regrets_experiments.py
  • python examples/run_online_vs_batch.py
  • python examples/run_n_trees_sensitivity.py

Note that the run_* scripts can take a while to run, in particular run_regrets_experiments.py.